Guys, I'm going to talk because I think it can help a lot of people. I have cold sores since my childhood, it used to appear a lot and in 2016 it broke the kkk record. I did a lot of research and finally found this site... It's been 3 years and not even my stress makes herpes come back. With me it worked out really well. Guys, I swear Herpes is gone!!!
I am a dentist and all my life I have had herpes. There were at least 10 times a year. When I followed the protocol correctly for 21 days, oddly enough, it never appeared again. 7 years ago, it only appeared 1 time.
yes there is a cure for herpes but the pharmaceutical industry does not want to disclose, more than half of humanity has active herpes but unfortunately the pharmaceutical industry makes money on people they take advantage of people, unfortunately the medicines only treat but cure not even think we are guinea pigs .
I think medicine should go deeper into this type of virus until it finds a cure, people who are carriers of this virus usually suffer a lot, in my case my dream of having a child went down the drain, I will never infect another person like that did to me...... THANK GOD I FOUND THIS SITE! NO OUTBREAKS FOR ALMOST 2 YEARS! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I took this disgrace at age 22 due to treachery, since then. My life turned to hell, now I'm 28 years old, 6 years of suffering and anguish!! HAS ANYONE HERE ALREADY BUY THIS PROTOCOL???? DOES IT REALLY WORK?
Man, I was about to give up. I went through the same thing, but in this case I cheated on my wife. brother, you will see that the stop works.
In my case, I had a relationship with a lot of fights. I wasn't married, but I ended up cheating and got herpes. But thanks to the doctor and her 21-day program I only had 1 relapse in 3 years!! Thank you
Thanks, guys, I'm going to buy it here and try!
I've had cold sores twice last year and now I've decided to follow the doctor's protocol and it never came back!!! it's worth it guys
I used to get herpes every 2 months. I spent almost 200 reais at the pharmacy buying acyclovir and ointments. For those who are in doubt if this program is worth purchasing, buy WITHOUT FEAR!!! I have been free of herpes for a year and a half. thank you really!
I have very low immunity... I didn't know that these things were due... Congratulations, the protocol is very explanatory, simple and it works
I bought the program
does it really works?
I did everything the doctor orders and it's scary, the herpes always showed up, practically every month... whenever stress, fever, it showed up. now everything is different, I never had it again!! it really is very simple to follow the program
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